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California raises legal age to buy tobacco from 18 to 21

California raises legal age to buy tobacco from 18 to 21

California raises legal age to buy tobacco from 18 to 21

On Wednesday, the governor of California raises the legal age to buy tobacco from 18 to 21 for smoking, dipping, chewing and vaping.

Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown said he signed the measure along with four others restricting tobacco use in various ways.

Supporters of the law regarding age aimed to deter adolescents from the harmful, sometimes fatal effects of nicotine addiction. The Institute of Medicine reports that 90 percent of daily smokers began using tobacco before turning 19.

In April, Hawaii became the first state in the nation to raise the legal smoking age to 21 and more than 100 local jurisdictions around the country have made the change, including New York, Chicago and San Francisco.

Brown’s media liaisons provided no immediate comment on the governor’s actions.

Sen. Ed Hernandez, D-Azusa, author of the bill to raise the legal age, expects other states to follow the lead of California.

“It’s going to send a shockwave across the country,” Hernandez said.

Anyone who gives tobacco or tobacco paraphernalia to someone under 21 could be found guilty of a misdemeanor crime.

Under the new law, 18-20-year-olds will no longer be allowed to buy tobacco in California starting on June 9.

Veterans organizations and Republican lawmakers in California objected to the bill, saying people old enough to die for their country are old enough to use tobacco.

The California proposal stalled for six months until lawmakers agreed to retain the 18-year-old tobacco age for military personnel and passed it in early March.

The Institute of Medicine reported in March 2015 that increasing the smoking age to 21 would immediately deter 15 percent of people 18-20 from taking up a lasting tobacco habit.

The study , conducted at the request of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, found that raising the minimum smoking age above 20 “will mean that those who can legally obtain tobacco are less likely to be in the same social networks as high school students.”

Brown, a Democrat, has signed laws banning the sale of e-cigarettes to minors and reining in the use of tobacco at day care and community facilities.

Brown was out of public office when California became the first state in the nation to ban smoking in public places in 1995 then expand the law in 1998. He did not chime in publicly on 1998, 2006 or 2012 ballot initiatives that sought additional fees on cigarettes.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg donated $500,000 to support the 2012 initiative, which was heavily outspent by tobacco interests and narrowly defeated.

Altria, the parent company of Philip Morris, gave $54,000 to Brown’s 2014 re-election campaign.

Anti-tobacco groups are collecting signatures to raise cigarette taxes from $0.87 per pack to $2. They notified state officials in February that they’ve collected at least 25 percent of the 535,407 signatures they’ll need to place the question on the November ballot.

Brown also signed bills to regulate electronic cigarettes, set annual tobacco license fees, push for all charter schools to be tobacco free and expand existing requirements for tobacco-free workplaces to include small businesses, break rooms and hotel lobbies. He vetoed a bill that would have allowed local governments to establish tobacco taxes.

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5 Simple Answers to Your Questions About Legalization of Marijuana

Questions About Legalization of Marijuana

Questions About Legalization of Marijuana

Marijuana Legalization is one of the hottest legal topics going on in our country today. These are five simple answers to your questions about legalization of marijuana.

1. How will the federal government protect sellers and growers, isn’t it illegal on a federal level?

Simply put, the federal government will not help to keep you safe since this is still illegal on a federal level and only a few states are legal. If you are caught selling outside of your legal state, you can and will be prosecuted.

2. What is Ohio’s Issue 3 and why are marijuana advocates against it? Isn’t it what they want?

Issue 3, if passed will have Marijuana only be able to be sold through several designated companies. Advocates do not want this because, though it would be legal, it would still limit the ability to sell and purchase the drug.

3. Won’t Edible Marijuana be too easily accessible to underage kids?

It depends on parents; young kids will not be able to buy these products; they will have the same protocols as liquor or cigarettes. However, kids can still get into parent’s stuff if they have it at home. Like all substances that are for adult consumption only, people will have to be careful with their edible products.

4. Will legal pot consumption just add to more accidents?

The amendments say that no person under the influence is allowed to operate machinery or drive a vehicle.

5. Can renters grow? 

The state laws all have similar rules that allow you to grow a very limited number of plants while renting a property, but the landlord still has to agree with it.

5 Answers to Your Questions — “Indiana’s New Abortion Law”

“Indiana’s New Abortion Law”

“Indiana’s New Abortion Law”

Laws and liberties seem to be in constant flux. One hot legal topic segregating people on one side or the other is abortion. Recently, a law was passed in the Midwest state, Indiana, that made abortion illegal. Here are five answers to questions you might have about Indiana’s new Abortion Law:

1. Why was it passed?

The law puts constraints on aborting fetuses that are abnormal. It bans mothers from aborting unborn children after discovering that they suffer from an abnormality, like a mental or physical disability.

2. What does it change?

While this law’s aims are well placed, it doesn’t denote that additional assistance will be given to families expecting a special needs child. Raising a child with a disability can be very costly, at an average of $2.3 million over their lifetime. This invasive restriction amounts to millions of dollars spent where families with low-income can’t afford.

3. Who is against it?

Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana and Kentucky are suing the state of Indiana, claiming that the law is unconstitutional. Indiana is being shown as a state that lacks respect for women because they have chosen to enact a law that invades a woman’s privacy and takes away her control to make her own decision.

4. Are people protesting?

In protest, women have found an unusual way to let Governor Pence understand their opinion. Women all over the state have been calling the Governor’s office to report their menstrual cycles in bewildering detail. This protest is certainly pro-choice while the state is advocating a pro-life stance. Many other delegates in Indiana oppose this law, but don’t believe that these protests or the lawsuit will be enough cause for the bill to be revoked.

5. What about other states?

Abortion State Laws vary across the country from a range of 20-27 weeks. States that allow abortion up to the first 20 weeks of the pregnancy are North Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina, West Virginia, and until recently Indiana. States allowing abortion up to 21-27 weeks include California, Washington, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New York. The remaining states — Alaska, Hawaii, New Mexico, Colorado, Oregon, New Jersey, Vermont, and New Hampshire — have no restrictions.

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Hard to Find

Today’s market is looking for easy research which is often based solely on the online presence of a company. Legal professionals are now seeing that having a personal website, social media accounts and listings on online directories are must-haves for success.

Clients who have heard of law firms by either word of mouth or some printed publication will often consult the internet for further information on their potential legal representative. Reviews, regularly updated content, and general information listed on websites provides the public with a complete picture–and if they can’t find that information, often they’ll move on to a choice they feel better matches them.

Out of Touch

It might seem like a good idea to rely on word-of-mouth or more traditional forms of marketing like printed directories or listings; but today’s market demands easy and instant access to information regarding their next big decision–especially if it involves legal representation.

With decisions and opinions being formed much more quickly with over half the world population on the web, if you’re not online you can be seen as behind the times. If the clients do find you without an online presence, then your lack of advancement could be detrimental to your reputation. can help take care of any potentially damaging effects to your reputation in today’s market by offering a free and easy-to-use platform for listing your services and finding clientele. It also has the bonus of linking any other forms of online representation by allowing you to link to your personal site and social media accounts. The platform also keeps you regularly updated on interesting cases and clients who have specifically requested your information or submitted a proposal to your profile.

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Want to Know How to Find a Lawyer? Using Can Help

How to Find a Lawyer?

How to Find a Lawyer?

Whether a person is preparing an estate, preparing to buy a house, or is suing someone who caused an injury, the services of a competent lawyer can make all the difference in achieving a satisfactory outcome.

The task of finding the right lawyer can be daunting. There are so many different options, and each lawyer seems to have a different specialty. HireMeLegal provides an easy-to-use, streamlined interface that makes the whole process easy, and that can result in matching any client with the ideal lawyer best suited to handle the case.

The first step in finding the right lawyer is to visit the website.  Once there, clients are given the opportunity to create an individual profile that outlines their specific needs.  The profile information and details about the case are made accessible to attorneys across the globe.

Once the case has been reviewed, qualified attorneys will begin to submit bids which allow the client to select the best match. The client is provided information about each bidding attorney and is empowered to select the one that he or she feels is the best fit.  To aid the new client in gaining a better sense of what each attorney has to offer, he or she is also provided with feedback from previous clients that lends insight into  the levels of competency, affordability, and qualifications each lawyer has to offer.  Potential clients are also given the opportunity to search thousands of law firm and lawyer profiles and reviews to help inform his or her choices.

If you are in need of legal services, please contact us for assistance. Confidently choose the lawyer that you feel is the right fit for the job, and let him or her come to you.

How Can Law Firms Beat the Competition in 2016?

How Can Law Firms Beat the Competition in 2016?

How Can Law Firms Beat the Competition in 2016?

In determining how a law firm might beat the competition, it can help to take a realistic look at exactly who the competition is, what they do, and how they get their clients. During this scrutiny, the firm should take note of its strengths and weaknesses, compared to those of the competition.  This is the time to search for gaps that may appear in the market that the competition may not be aware of.

It is important to keep in mind those factors that attract prospective clients and to emphasize whatever they are in an advertising campaign. This can be achieved by conducting a clear assessment of a firm’s success rates, and by figuring out why those particular successes have occurred.

After successfully evaluating the competition, determinations can be made about improving the market visibility and service levels of a law firm that can result in increased numbers of clients.  The firm should keep a careful watch on the marketing campaigns of other law firms by keeping tabs on competitors websites, promotional events, and press clippings, and to use them as guides for how to keep the competitive edge.

From another perspective, the American Bar Association Journal reports that the greatest competition for any law firm comes from in-house counsel, rather than from other law firms. A recent survey found that in 2010, law firms spent up to 6% more on their in-house legal departments, and decreased the amount of money they spent on outside counsel by 3%. Since that time, those numbers have continued to rise. This phenomenon can be attributed to the mounting pressure on existing law firms to reduce their fees, as well as to the information revolution that has reduced the need to rely upon traditional legal services.

Since law firms now do less screening and monitoring of lawyers than in days past, they are no longer considered as reliable as they once were, regarding being intermediaries. As a result, more corporations are hiring lawyers directly and dispensing with the middleman.

The bottom line for any law firm is to continually question the ways in which things are done within the firm and to seek ways to do them better to attract new clients.

For further information, please contact us to schedule an appointment.